Leo W Gerard: Outlaw Chinese Steel [View all]
Forged with the despicable dividend of stolen trade secrets, priced with monopoly collusion, then traded with fraudulent labeling to dodge U.S. duties, steel from China violates every principle of capitalism. Thats in addition to defying both U.S. and international trade laws.
Its outlaw steel. And last week, U.S. Steel Corp. asked the U.S. government to outlaw its import.
U.S. Steel requested this unusual intervention after China hacked into its computers, ripped off trade secrets, then used those secrets to directly compete with U.S. Steel in the American market. China is flooding the international market with excess, government-subsidized steel. That is closing mills and killing jobs from South Africa to Great Britain to North America. The United States can choose to ignore this. It can become a weakling, reliant on other nations for steel, including some, like China, that clearly are not allies. Or, the United States can act now, as U.S. Steel demands, to secure Americas industrial strength and independence.
Graph showing Chinese steel exports rising while prices declining. Source: U.S. Steel pleading
FULL story at link.
About Leo W. Gerard
Leo W. Gerard is the International President of the United Steelworkers (USW) union. His editorials post on the NH Labor News every Tuesday. You can follow him at @USWBlogger