In reply to the discussion: I have such sad news to share. Tudor just passed away. [View all]InstantGratification
(281 posts)I lurk on your threads because you are always positive and helping those who are ignored by most of our society. Let me say this LOUD AND PROUD to you. **YOU** gave him so much more in that short time than fate was going to give him. That extra week of love, of living, of just being a cat. The chance to sit in your lap or sleep on your shoulder. The chance to romp in your yard. The chance to play with siblings. The chance to be a CAT for awhile. But most of all, the chance to KNOW that he was so very **LOVED**. All those were things that he wouldn't have had without your love and doting attention. We all thank you and admire you for what you do and for sharing it so we can be a small part of it too. I don't think there is a soul on DU who would disagree that you are a SAINT.
THANK YOU from all of us!!!!!!!!