Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Children Are Dying Because Of Americans' Denial About Guns [View all]moriah
(8,312 posts)Truthfully she should have still been in the goddamn hospital, not left alone with her kids or had her last kid against medical advice, and Sanders shouldn't have had her kids at all. The kids had been the subject of at least two different investigations before. Again, mental health and social services are how you stop those deaths.
Yes, I'm sure knives compromise a greater percentage of deaths in the UK than they do in the US. The UK also has a less than quarter of the murder rate per capita than the entire US averaged out. Canada, with its hunting and gun culture maintained but requiring licensing to purchase ammo and magazine restrictions, is just a little higher than the UK's murder rate, but still a third of ours per capita.
How about one thing we can agree upon being that the Sandy Hook shooter, the Parkland shooter, the Sanders case, and the Yates case -- the perpetrators shouldn't have been in the position to have access to the *children* they killed?