Baby Boomers
In reply to the discussion: Why have we raised a generation (or more) of women who speak like crap? [View all]codjh9
(2,781 posts)Hey El Supremo - where are you from, with the UT Longhorns logo? I'm from San Marcos originally.
Anyway, Oh My God yes, I've never heard of 'vocal fry', but I had to click OFF on that little video you posted after about 10 seconds, because yes, yes, I hate that, as well as the ending-a-sentence-with-a-rising-tone-that-makes-it-sound-like-a-question? When it's not? You know? And yeah, besides 'like' and 'awesome' continuing to be overused, it wasn't but a few years ago when (seemingly) every reply to any remark or question didn't begin with 'So'.
And one more comment on 'awesome', I heard a guy (a professor, perhaps?) on NPR the other day lamenting the overuse of awesome and ... I forget, some other superlative that is used to much it's lost its original meaning, practically. Louis CK has a hilarious routine where he talks about the overuse of superlatives. He says 'Yeah, like you can take 2 dudes at a fast-food joint, and one will get to the table and say "I got us an extra water cup in case..." (whatever), and the other one will say "Dude, you're a GENIUS". THAT's being a genius? What are you going to say when you really encounter a genius?'.