job. More than usual, to the point that I commented last week to a coworker that I was getting bad vibes from our boss. I've gotten bad vibes from him off and on since I started the job. Oil and water bad vibes.
Yesterday they sent out an announcement. He has been stripped of one of the two client teams he manages. Effective retro to Monday July 1, I have a different manager. It's a good change.
There were 2 people on the team that were clear favorites. One is a very poor performer with a pissy attitude and snippy mouth. The other is basically nicer but was getting away with a lot. Basically, the company gave us all a *lot* of rope. Our boss and his 2 favorites hung themselves nicely with it. He is no longer their boss either -- he now manages a tiny team of 4-6 -- and I suspect his darlings have been called on the carpet for things like taking themselves off the phones, last week for over an hour , to sit and read books because they didn't feel like taking calls .
The other team is huge and will likely be split up eventually. One of my very conscientious coworkers got moved to day shift, which was something she had requested but was 3rd or 4th in line for. I'm happy to believe I was part of making that happen, as she was being punished for a serious mistake and denied a raise, but an incident I caused a couple weeks ago gave me the opportunity to point out that for 5 months she had been helping another, very poor performing rep, on nearly every call. The poor rep got a recognition award, while those who were high performers and helping her were ignored or worse. So we were over-stressed and unrecognized. I think to make up for the fact that she was on probation for the mistake, so couldn't be given an raise, they saw an opportunity to reward her in another way and punish my bosses 2 darlings who were ahead of her on the day shift list.