you missed out on my elitist, nasal whine is all.
we're fine. i know myself that feeling believed is crucial after such an experience. we tend to feel raw and exposed after bearing our uncertainty with our brush with the unknown. last thing you want is feeling like someone is brushing you off.
but, after lots of encounters with the unknown, and things that seem like it, i find it reassuring to go methodically through all possibilities. helps me stay grounded and is noticeably comforting to others. sometimes it finds a readily available explanation. i believe you and am trying to help through process of elimination.
it is important because it sharpens the mind to recollect details on why it couldn't be the easy answer. it's the process to realize you were with it to notice details. it's not "just you," you were clear enough to notice XYZ was also off, therefore you compile facts for your experience. when you go through the easy answers, and they failed, you are then left reassured that it is the unknown.
it is a conversation to help recover details, convey them, and reinforce your experience. it may seem cold at first, but like a cold shower, it's really there to keep you focused. afterwards the surety gained keeps you warm against self-doubt.
right now in this process you'd check my idea of sandstone recording of voices (internet should have some examples) and compare them to your experience. you are the only person who can do this right, as i wasn't there. then you come back and say i was wrong, and how so. thus more details get remembered and compiled. and through elimination you come to the comforting knowledge that you are right, it is unknown, and are one step closer to what it could be!