2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)ELECTION LAWSUIT UPDATES: [View all]
Tweets from Jordan Chariton - The Young Turks. He is in the courtroom and tweeting live updates.
Main points:
1. If you are registered as dem and you have been purged or changed - GET A COURT ORDER FROM A JUDGE OR FILL OUT A PROVISIONAL BALLOT. Some are saying that a judge almost always sides with the voter. DU'er winter is coming makes the excellent point that getting a court order means your ballot will be counted TODAY. However, if you absolutely cannot see a judge, fill out a provisional.
2. If you are registered independent - To say you are registered as a democrat when, in reality, you are not is VOTER FRAUD!!! You may, however, leave the party affiliation blank!!! It may still be counted.
3. Some people are reporting 7 Clinton delegates and 6 Sanders delegates with instructions to vote for 7. It should say pick UP TO 7 delegates!!! Only vote for your candidate's delegates!!!!!!
#NYPrimary lawsuit lawyers say fact that motion wasn't dismissed is good thing since it preserves right 2 contest election #FeelTheBern
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Jordan ?@JordanChariton 14m14 minutes ago
#NYPrimary election judge says people who feel have been purged have remedy...go get court order in front of a judge
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Jordan ?@JordanChariton 19m19 minutes ago
Lawyers urge Dems who feel they have had registration changed wrongly should vote on provisional ballot since a new hearing has been granted
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Jordan ?@JordanChariton 21m21 minutes ago
NY Board of Election said they have nothing to do with the problems, are "not responsible for the counties" #NYPrimary
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Jordan ?@JordanChariton 22m22 minutes ago
Defendants and give each county notice that they have to appear in court to defend their voter registration process (over 60 counties)...
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Jordan ?@JordanChariton 23m23 minutes ago
(Several part tweet) NYPrimary election lawsuit: Judge orders hearing 4 later date, instructs plaintiffs to name every single NY county as..
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dane wilson ?@populationme23 44m44 minutes ago
@JordanChariton @TheYoungTurks thanks for keeping the exchange current even w out any news. Let's us know people are on it, thank you.
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Jordan ?@JordanChariton 51m51 minutes ago
No update yet on #NYPrimary lawsuit
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Jordan ?@JordanChariton 1h1 hour ago
New data from city Board of Elections shows it "actually removed 126,000 Brooklyn Dems from the rolls" #NYPrimary
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Jordan Retweeted
Shaun King ?@ShaunKing 1h1 hour ago
Now Mayor @deBlasioNYC is demanding an explanation on why 126,000 people in Brooklyn were dropped from voting rolls
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UPDATE: Video update from Jordan Chariton, The Young Turks. I can't embed the video because it is posted on facebook, and is not uploaded onto youtube, as far as I can tell.
H/T to Kittycat for the link!