2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)Do you have loved ones who voted for Trump who you KNOW are NOT racists/sexists/bigots? [View all]
If so, are you as disgusted and disturbed as I am by the way your loved ones are being falsely accused and labelled as bigots? Are you feeling alienated and discouraged by all the hateful and negative comments being tossed around about voters? I know I am and I doubt that I am alone.
I voted for Hillary because I understand what a vote for Trump would mean. There are some people I know and love very much who are not well versed in politics who, unfortunately, voted for and support Trump. I have known most of these people for over 40 years. I KNOW their hearts and I KNOW that they are not hateful or bigoted people in any way, shape or form. Some of them are gullible and have friends or family who have convinced them that Trump is going to fix things. Some make poor choices in news sources. Most of these people are from northern states. I doubt that I am the only person reading and/or posting here who has friends and family they love very much who voted for Trump. Many of us in this situation have spoken up about these relentless attacks on ALL Trump voters because there are people we KNOW and have known ALL of our lives that are being slandered and labelled unfairly on this forum and it is being allowed. When people on here throw around collective accusations they are stereotyping and calling the loved ones of some members here things that they are NOT. When they call my 85 year old aunt a racist because her rural rust belt neighbors kept talking him up to her and she doesn't really watch TV and doesn't know how to use the internet it's not HER that is being a bigot. When they attack her, they attack my family. I don't know any of those making the false accusations, but I know her and I KNOW she is about as far from a racist as you can get.
These continuous attacks and collectively labeling ALL Trump voters as racists/sexists/bigots are going to turn people off and push them away. If I keep hearing these false accusations and labels being tossed around so carelessly on this site then how am I to trust anything I read here? I KNOW that these assertions are not truthful. Many others know this too. I have a serious issue with liars and those who will slander and libel people in an attempt to intimidate others or to guilt and shame them. That is abusive and not something I can ever support.
I can't be the only one who is just beyond sick of seeing this nonsense.