Devilsun's JournalIs your ex-girlfriend pestering you?
Just have your father appoint her as an ambassador to a far off distant country. Problem solved in a jiffy. 🤣🤣🤣
Leon Musk says SNL was unfair because
They had Kamala on the show but not tRump. How can he be so ignorant regarding the fairness doctrine that Reagan did away with?
Just got home from voting in Arizona
The first polling location i went to was having a problem with their printer. Didn't want to wait so went to another location. About 60 people in front of me. Lots of young people especially women. Go Kamala ✌️
Trump most successful President of all time
Deceased successful turning half the damn country into idiot/assholes!!!
Trumpers really quiet on social media today
Hey All,
Trumpers don't have much to say on social media today. I can't figure out why this is? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Get Prepared For Faux News sexist attack
On Kamala's relationship with Willie Brown. 🙄
Watch in 3, 2, 1
All of your Republican friends neighbors and family become opposed to term limits for everyone!!! 😤
Can we please have an Impeachment Ball next week?
Pretty pretty please? We can come up with a special menu with appetizers. Crow can be the entree. I'm sure all the creative minds at DU can come up with drinks, entertainment etc.
SNL Should do a skit
Where the ghosts of John McCain and Barry Goldwater visit tRump in the oval office and tell him in no uncertain terms that it's time for him to go 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Member since: Tue Mar 21, 2017, 08:24 PMNumber of posts: 288