Dorn's JournalHappy LBJ Day
Lyndon Baines Johnson was born on August 27, 1908. He is often known as LBJ and was the 36th president of the United States, serving from 1963-1969. In 1963 Johnson took on the role as the nations president after president John F Kennedy was assassinated. In an address before Congress Johnson pledged support for Kennedy's legislative agenda that included civil rights and education legislation.
In conjunction with the civil rights movement, Johnson overcame southern resistance and convinced Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed many forms of racial segregation. Johnson signed it into law on July 2, 1964. In 1965, he achieved passage of a second civil rights bill, the Voting Rights Act to outlaw discrimination in voting and to allow many African Americans in the southern states to vote for the first time. In 1965 the "Great Society" program became the agenda for Congress:
Aid to education.
Protection of civil rights (including the right to vote).
Urban renewal.
Conservation and beautification.
Control and prevention of crime and delinquency.
Promotion of the arts.
Consumer protection.
Woman sneaks gun into MRI, gets shot in the buttocks
I get it that people love guns, I assume that she was afraid, either of loosing the gun or being attacked. Yet this is extremely funny and sad.
Gun in MRI, shot in butt
David Duke Without the Baggage my ass
I agree: "prioritize the protection and well-being of civilians"
I remember Watergate, long before the House took actions these was news of Nixon's crimes
This 'investigation' has nothing to do with truth, only about how to throw mud at Biden -- even through it is not true.
... he also says "stuff" over and over
Maybe, you know, because he, you know, has stuffing between his ears.
Exactly right -- plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled
Very simple: plastic can't be recycled
plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled plastic can't be recycled
This was pushed by Robert Dole a Republician -- what Republican would do that today?
No one
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