Nobel_Twaddle_III's JournalIt does not take all day.
Some of us (mostly from the southwest) have been a little hard on others posting, in the Mom and Kids in the car thread.
This is why.
SAN JOSE -- As usual, the father parked his car on the street Wednesday morning and went to work. But when he returned early that night, the man discovered a tragedy that can only be described as a parent's worst nightmare.
His 9-month-old son was still strapped into his child seat after being left in the hot car all day. The baby was pronounced dead at the scene.
This child was not so lucky today.
Republican Rep. David Livingston of Peoria and Republican Rep. Kelly Townsend of Mesa
Spent weekend at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada, standing up with armed ranchers and activists against the federal government.
Supporting armed insurrection should disqualify them from office.
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Name: TimGender: Male
Hometown: Tucson
Home country: USA
Member since: Sun Apr 6, 2014, 03:03 AM
Number of posts: 325