SleeplessinSoCal's JournalEveryone here has been so helpful and I appreciate all of your concerns and hugs.
Just an update.
She has been to see a DO for a physical and had tests by urgent care to make sure her delirium wasn't caused by UTI. Also her weight is causing malnutrition and her paranoia preventing her from drinking the water she needs to have a healthy body and shows dehydration. All tests point to being relatively healthy physically. I have calls into her case manager and psychiatrist. I want to admit her. But I need them to help do so to make this transition as smooth as possible. We have an appt with case manager therapist Friday. As she can't be convinced of who people are and what they do, I hope that will make admission possible. She isn't suicidal. She says she wants to stay here and basically not get better. I'm treating her like a two year old. There is absolutely no reasoning with her.
I've told her I'm on strike and have been rewatching season 1 of The Gilded Age with my hubby. I've also checked up on my own bloodwork and recent checkups. I expect to hear back from my doctor re: BUN/Creatinine Ratio. Never knew about that, but my number is elevated. Pertains to kidneys.
I know I'm procrastinating, but I blame Kaiser Permanente for not being as helpful as they can be.
How on earth does this happen?
'We Build The Wall' Founder Sentenced To 4 Years In Prison
(Kolfage an Air Force veteran who lost his legs and his right hand in a 2004 rocket attack in Iraq)
But his partner Bannon got a pardon, and continues to rip off tax payers.
It's Conan O'Brien's 60th birthday today.
His podcast have been great company in our home over the pandemic. I wish him a very happy birthday!
DeSantis says he won't send him to NYC for the arraignment.
He should do his usual and send him to Martha's Vineyard, where the rule of law is justice and not the ravings of vindictive bigots
Nickel Creek's new album "Celebrants"
This group has grown up recording and touring. But it's been a while. Then recently they recorded this mind blowing collection of original music. It's been available for a few days. I've been a fan for 20 years and am so loving this new venture. Please have a listen
A fine review by NPR:
Nowhere to Run to, Knowhere to Hide
Re: DeSantis attacks on journalism gets ire of backer Koch....
"...a spokesperson for Americans for Prosperity told The Intercept in regards to its lobbying against the bills. One of the ways we do that is protect people from frivolous lawsuits targeting their speech by making it possible for judges to quickly review and dismiss bogus cases aimed at silencing opponents.
While our focus on this bill was on addressing the sections that would undermine those hard-won reforms, if those sections are changed, we will be neutral on the bill but not supportive of it, the spokesperson went on. We do not support the other aspects of the bill that are in direct opposition to the First Amendment.
Hail, Hail Moldova!
Moldova Police Say They Foiled Russia-Backed Unrest Plot
"Russia-backed actors were specially trained to cause mass unrest during a protest in the capital against the countrys new pro-Western government."
This is what Putin does constantly, everywhere. Including here at home. Can't we expose his cheesy, underhanded methods of tearing us apart? All of us.
Kevin McCarthy gets the Keith Olbermann treatment
So much more explosive than what I'm hearing from my fave MSNBC host these days - Nicolle Wallace. He makes the case that the way the tapes were obtained was a crime by McCarthy.
Ohio train derailment and Pete Buttigieg.
I can only find negative coverage of him. Surely he and his department are hard at work on this. Apparently Google is clueless as to what. But there are many nasty articles a click away.
If anyone finds info on the progress of the transportation dept over the disaster, please post it. He seems to be back footed.
I need to vent...
I took a gig singing in a funeral for $100. It went well enough as funerals go. Then on my way home to my hubby (who hates being left alone) I was stuck in hellish traffic owing to a crash at an interchange. That caused much stopping, lane changing, inability to see what's ahead, UNLESS you're in a big rig. After 45 minutes of what normally takes 5 minutes I arrived at the scene of the accident. Many police cars, wrecked vehicles and cones. Still one couldn't really see what was happening ahead from the dashboard of my Prius. I just knew I wasn't going to allow any more big rigs cut in front of me. So as I try to have no daylight between my car and the car ahead of me, a big rig is suddenly on top of me and I'm being scraped by that thing on the driver's side of our little Prius. A highway patrol guy tells me I was in his lane. But there were no lanes!!! And I was ahead of him! We were just in a creeping stream of cars trying not to lose our minds.
After assessing the "ding", I'm guessing $600 of body work. So much for an extra $100. Anybody know if this kind of dent can be taken care of cheaply?
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Name: ChristinaGender: Female
Member since: Wed Nov 10, 2004, 04:36 PM
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