SoFlaBro's JournalFound this on Reddit in the Joe Rogan sub: "You got your wall. And I'll never forget or forgive it."
This is a great letter that I would send to the shit part of my family who might be a shithead MAGA fuckface. Fucking FIRE!!
My sister hasn't spoken to me since the election. Yesterday my mom sent me something my sister wrote and was debating on posting to social media.
What she wrote:
Dearest Magat friends and family,
No, we absolutely will not and cannot agree to disagree. Not again, not after what you just chose to do this country.
I am done with extending you grace or making any attempt to comprehend your appalling lack of character and integrity. We have done that for 8 years now, without any of you ever once extending us the same courtesy. One of the darkest realities of life in the United States since November 2016 has been learning just how much hatred so many of you harbor in your souls. That is some truly dark and shameful shit. Yet so many of you still have the utter audacity to call yourselves Christians. Tell me the part again where Jesus put terms and conditions on which neighbors to love. You are not good people. You just pretend to be.
This election wasnt business as usual and you knew that. You knew what was at stake, what was on the line. Two hundred and forty-eight years of storied history, a gloried nation founded on hard fought and won freedoms. You just handed ALL of it to a wildly unhinged man that has been completely open and transparent about his plan to systematically dismantle and destroy everything our country was established upon. You literally heard this man say we will never have to vote again after this election and that he will use the military against those of us with dissenting opinions. You really decided none of that was a deal breaker for you despite how horrifically UNAMERICAN it is.
You chose hate. You chose it over your love of country and you chose it over us. Just as your cowardice to do what was right for we the people shall impose lasting consequences on us, I take immense comfort in knowing it will now do the same to you.
And it starts with us. Your presence will no longer be welcome in our lives going forward. We will never allow our children to think that such an egregious and disgusting lack of moral character is acceptable under any condition. So be you friend or family, if you voted for Donald Trump, please show yourselves out. Being around our children was always a privilege, never a right. You dont get to proclaim to love our sweet and gentle son, the boy who rocks a neurological speech disorder, and then vote for a man who has continually denigrated, ridiculed, and mocked people with disabilities and encouraged others to do the same.
You dont get to proclaim to love our daughter, the fiery, astute, whirling dervish of razor sharp perception and the argumentative prowess of a seasoned district attorney and vote to strip of her rights to her own body. You dont get to love her and tell her that her sole worth is her ability to birth children.
You cannot proclaim yourselves to have been so proud of my immigrant husband when he took the oath to be an American citizen and then vote for a man who says he will deport him in spite of that citizenship. He would like to remind you that you are merely American by birth, he is American by choice. You all agreed hes a damn good one too.
You cannot claim to love me and then vote for the man that has emboldened and protected men like the retired law enforcement officer who tried to harass and intimidate me into sharing how I voted in the election while I was working on Wednesday.
You chose one man over your country, you chose him over the safety and the well-being of your family, of your friends and neighbors, of the people you proclaim to love, to protect. You chose it over us.
You got your wall.
And Ill never forget or forgive it.
"Contractors do a shitty job" "Jack Smith...dumb, son of a bitch," Turd stays talking shit. Piss on that fucking turd.
First, he doesn't want to pay the contractors that fucked up his teleprompter speech.
Then he started talking that shit about Jack Smith again.
Fucking Orange Shitface is a potty-mouthed fuckwad.
I am guessing the debate is off now. Now convicted, Is there any chance Orange Turd still attends?
That Orange Motherfucker would never stand there and trade debate topics with Biden.
Mar 5th: TIPP and Morning Consult Polls have BIDEN in a 1 pt lead. Where are the chicken littles today? calm down. Three other polls released this week show them in a tie. Economist. AP. ImpactResearch.
So it is what we expected. A dead heat with many many undecideds.
Stop getting worked up over a slanted NY Times poll that claims Orange Bastard is tied with women and has doubled the number of black votes he will receive.
From Morning Consult:
"Biden retakes lead from Trump: Biden leads Trump, the likeliest Republican presidential nominee for 2024, by 1 percentage point (44% to 43%) in our latest national tracking survey. Its Bidens first lead over Trump since early January, and is driven by coalescence among the voters who backed him last time around: 85% of Biden 2020 voters say theyd vote for him if the election were today, the largest share since early September."
Well that didn't take long: "Democrats' Joe Biden Problem Got Worse With Special Election Win" link]
They are as predictable as the sunrise and Donnie Shittypants smelling like a sack of rat farts.
This was going to be bad for Dems no matter what happened.
Excerpt from the dogshit article:
Democrats may have won the special election in New York, but Tom Suozzi's win could suggest that there's a winning tactic for Democratic candidatesas long as they're willing to abandon President Joe Biden.
Questions about Biden's reelection campaign have swirled in the last week after a damning report from special counsel Robert Hur described the 81-year-old president as a forgetful commander-in-chief. The report came amid already troubling numbers for Biden, who is neck-and-neck with former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical rematch in 2024 and whose approval ratings have struggled since August 2021.
As an increasing number of voters and anti-Trump media are now casting doubt over Biden's reelection effort, Suozzia rare Democrat who spent his competitive race distancing himself from the president and admitted Biden was "old" on the eve of his special electionhas flipped a GOP seat in a swing district.
"Suozzi had an effective strategy, and that's frequently a good way to go when the president is unpopular," Michael Gordon, a Democratic strategist and principal at Group Gordon, told Newsweek.
"My wife and I attended the 'Stop the Steal' Trump Insurrection on Wednesday (as observers)"
From Twitter:
Terry Bouton
My wife and I attended the Stop the Steal Trump Insurrection on Wednesday (as observers, NOT participants) and there are FIVE big take-aways from what we witnessed and heard outside the Capitol that I'd like to share. (We took all the pictures below). 1/22
1) This insurrection wasnt just redneck white supremacists and QAnon kooks. The people participating in, espousing, or cheering the violence cut across the different factions of the Republican Party and those factions were working in unison. 2/22
Preppy looking "country club Republicans," well-dressed social conservatives, and white Evangelicals in Jesus caps were standing shoulder to shoulder with QAnon cultists, Second Amendment cosplay commandos, and doughy, hardcore white nationalists. 3/22
We eavesdropped on conversations for hours and no one expressed the slightest concern about the large number of white supremacists and para-military spewing violent rhetoric. Even the man in the Camp Auschwitz sweatshirt wasnt beyond the pale. They were all patriots." 4/22
I'm sure there were Republicans there who were horrified by what was happening. But the most common emotions we witnessed by nearly everyone were jubilation at the take over and anger at Democrats, Mike Pence, non-Trump supporting Republicans, and the Capitol Police. 5/22
2) There is no doubt the Capitol was left purposefully understaffed as far as law enforcement and there was no federal effort to provide support even as things turned very dark. This contrasts sharply with all of other major protests we have attended. 6/22
A lot has been made of the contrast to the overwhelming police presence at Black Lives Matters protests in the fall, and this is certainly true. But there was also A LOT more federal law enforcement presence at every single previous protest we have attended in DC. 7/22
Most of these protests involved tens of thousands of mostly white, middle-aged people (meaning race wasnt the only reason for the disparate police presence). Even the March for Science had far more police for a non-partisan event featuring Bill Nye the Science Guy. 8/22
By contrast, there was a tiny federal police presence at Stop the Steal despite weeks of promises of violence spread on social media by well-known far-right radicals, many of whom had long histories of inciting violence. 9/22
When we arrived, the only forces present were the clearly overwhelmed Capitol Police. The only reinforcements that arrived were other Capitol Police. There were a handful of DC Metro police, but they had accompanied the ambulances to take away the injured. 10/22
The only other federal law enforcement presence was an FBI Swat team of about eight officers who arrived to provide cover for the Capitol Fire and EMTs there to extract Ashli Babbitt, the QAnon radical who was shot inside the Capitol Building. 11/22
I am convinced that if Congress doesnt act to do something about this quickly, these people are going to keep going and the unrest and violence will get more widespread and more uncontrollable. This is a crisis. Its real. Its happening. It must be taken seriously. 22/22
This is a chilling recount from someone there as an observer and not a participant. Please read the whole thread on Twitter if you can.
With what they are talking about there is only one way to ensure President Biden and VP Harris are safe from now into the foreseeable future.
New DEM Agenda for the next Senate session: DC & PR statehood, expand the SC, restore Voting Rights
* Wash DC and PR deserve statehood status and the latest PR Governor is seeking statehood
* expand the Supreme Court by 3-9 Justices to offset the latest shenanigans
* re establish the voting rights act in the southern states immediately
* oh yeah, and $2k checks popping up in the mail
Link of up-to-date States that have Certified the 2020 Election
I am looking for a site that keeps the tally of states that have certified the 2020 Election. Most sites have days-old data and articles to comb through but not a central place where the results are kept current - or as current as the news cycle will allow.
Anyone know of a site?
"Stand back and stand by...."
Are they still standing by? I fear what nastiness they have planned. Their Dear Leader isn't going away so neither are they. This needs some extra muscle to bring to its rightful conclusion.
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