Upthevibe's JournalI'm not meaning to cause trouble or to place blame
but I'd really like DU'ers opinions of why President Biden didn't fire Merrick Garland after he was in office after the first year?
Once again, I'm being sincere with my question....
I broke up with a friend recently..........
She's high maintenance, probably has Borderline Personality Disorder, and there are other issues. I can't get into them now.
I think it needed to happen.
How many of you are going to buy
items you would have normally bought next year before years end due to the upcoming possibility of tariffs?
I was going to wait until next year to get a new T.V. (I really need a bigger screen and my T.V.'s been acting up). Now I think I'll get one this month.
I'm just curious regarding other opinions of DU'er....
Thank you..... (I normally put a happy face that's waving but in this case I'm just sad)...
Can someone give me details about Charles Kushner ..........
Re: What he did regarding the family member and the prostitute (whom he filmed)?
"Wicked".....Possible *SPOILERS*?
I saw the movie yesterday. It was beyond fantastic! Having said that, I had NO idea it was two-parts with part 2 not being released until this time next year. That's actually fine with me because it'll give me more things to look forward to. (Due to recent events, I'm really lining up whatever I can....short road trips, more gatherings with friends, etc.).
My question is this: Was the stage production two parts? I'm so confused....
Joni Patry.....
Does anyone know about this woman? She's a Vedic astrologer. I just ran across her on YouTube.
Thanks for any feedback.
A teacher I work with.....
Yesterday, at the high school where I sub, had what's called an emergency incident drill. We're to pull down the shades, lock the door, and all the students go to an area away from the door and windows and lay on the floor. Then, we go downstairs to the soccer field and the teachers ensure that all the students are accounted for.
I was with 10th graders who were awesome and everything went well.
One of the teachers (who's probably in her late 30's ....a Millennial) went over the procedure with me before hand. I've always thought she was pretty cool. She and I have a pleasant relationship. For lunch sometimes a few of the teachers go over to her room and chat.
When she was done explaining everything to me I said something like (sarcastically)...."Yep....best damn country in the world." She then proceeded to tell me that mass shootings happen all over the world and are as bad as what happens here but they're undocumented (and in essence covered up). I was stunned. All I could utter was the word, "interesting." I didn't want to get into where she gets her information or get into anything at all. I just thanked her for her help and left the room.
She's a white woman who was raised by two gay moms and two gay dads. Something else disturbing that has happened is I have friends of friends (who I've met on several occasions) who are also two gay moms. They have a son and daughter, 21 and 18. The 18 y.o. daughter, who just graduated high school, voted for 45 (I don't want to say his name and moving forward I'm going to refer to him as 45).
I've been trying to stay away from the election analysis', what went wrong, etc. It's too soon for me to deal with any of this. Having said that, I'm shocked about these two young women...
I don't know if this is the proper place to post this
but I'm watching The Martha Stewart documentary and what I'm thinking at this time is:
FUC* JAMES COMEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A P.O.S.......
I just finished it and it's excellent......
debm55.........Sometimes your
da*n posts......
When I woke up this morning the song, Climb Every Mountain, was on my mind and continues to be. And what did I think?? I thought how in the Hell could I have forgotten to put that song on the debm55's post of favorite musical songs!!!!!!!
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Name: KayGender: Female
Hometown: Redondo Beach
Home country: United States
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Member since: Sat Feb 13, 2016, 08:27 PM
Number of posts: 9,251