brush's JournalAOC is left politically of VP Harris and the veep didn't fare well i '24 so I doubt that...
voter sentiment will change in four years to go for another woman of color and a far-left one at that.
Now Mark Cuban is another matter. He has some positives similar to trump's withoot all the many negatives. He's a legit billionaire, a white male, has star-quality and much national exposure from the TV show "Shark Tank", he's well-spoken and makes logical arguments on the show, and is good looking. All the things that made trump attractive to millions of voters (except the good looking part), without trump's negatives which are the ridiculous make-up and hair, the bloviating lying, the bragging about grabbing women by the vajay-jay and them letting him do it, no birther BS, no photos of his daughter doing a lap dance on him/his obvious lusting after her, his three marriages and unfaithfulness to his pregnant third wife and on and on.
Thus I say, knowing what we know now about the Overton Window of acceptability to American voters, Mark Cuban gets my vote.
California governor Gavin Newsom has many of the same qualities that Cuban has...good looking, well-spoken etc., but he's at a disadvantage being from California which seems a negative for many fly-over-country voters. Also his having been married to Kimberly Guilfoyle, trump Jr's ex-fiance, is not a positive.
Again, Cuban is a positive, Newsom in my book is but for many, apparently no. VP Harris again? She'll probably run for governor of California as Newsom is term-limited.
That leaves AOC left to consider...and that's the problem. She's got star-quality but is too far left for the majority of voters. Not me, but I'm not the majority of voters.
NFL quiz: How well do you know you pro football history?
Ok, sports fans, here's a test for you. Answer here. No googling pls. As a former educator/NFL fan, I'll grade your answers and respond to you.
2:36 PM
Good luck.
1. The Decatur Staleys are now known as:
2. What is a flanker?
3. What is a red dog?
4. Right end and left end are now called?
5. Who were the Monsters of the Midway?
6: Who was Concrete Charlie?
7. Who was slinging QB number 9 for the team formerly called the Redskins?
8. Who was the "Mad Bomber"?
9. What franchise started the Thanksgiving Day game:
10. What Redskins QB lead the league in passing and
11. Who was nicknamed "Snake"?
12: Was the "tuck rule" play a fumble or a tuck?
Hahahahahahaha. What a sad lot those Black rethugs are.
Their naivete is disturbing, as is their obvious desire to be seen as 'not like those other Black people.
Tim Scott shucked and jived and grinned so much before trump on TV at the rethug convention it was sickening. And he hasn't gotten so much as mention by anyone close to trump or winger media TV talkers.
It's true to form. In his first go-roung I just remember Ben Carson at HUD who always seem asleep, and Omarosa, the one who was dismissed on bad terms then wrote a tell-all book, never to be heard from again after a few appearances on the talk shows about her book.
Let's see if trump appoints any Black people. No Latinos yet either, or Asian Americans. Guess Kash Patel, the bootlicker, is the only POC, whatever nationality he is.
Maison des Esclaves (house of slaves). I've been there on Goree Island off the Atlantic coast of...
of Dakar, Senegal. The 'window of no return', where the slave ships docked is there looking out on the ocean and the 'middle passage' in which thousands of shackled human beings died from the horrid, miserable conditions and their bodies thrown overboard to the sharks.
Only the strongest survived.
And some wonder how so many of us survived and prospered herewith so many obstacles against us.
Reminds me of that old adage: "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you."
A modern adaptation might being diagnosed as psychosis doesn't mean the mofos aren't dispensing racism towards you at every turn.
The seasoned Black people know that and let it run off them like water off a duck's back as we've learned to navigate around the racist obstacles the larger society throws in our patn. No psychosis, just experience.
Thank you. The professor is absolutely right. With trump winning and proceeding to tap extremely questionable people...
to top administrative posts, looks like our governing administration will be a kakistocratic garbage dumpster fire.
One more thing, even if trump appoints some qualified people from now on, we will remain a kakistocracy because his mentally-declining, weaving, aging, lying, non-reading-of-the-DPB, pandemic blundering and coup-attempting self is at the top of the lot even if a some are competent. And unlike his first debacle of an admin, there will be few adults in the room like the generals Kelly, Matis, McMaster, and other competent players like Tillerson, the various White House counsels and a few others to keep trump within the Overton window of acceptable policy moves.
That was about the time I started my working at Newsday...
the big Long Island tabloid-sized daily. They had switched to cold type. Still had a Linotype Machine on display in their lobby for the general public.
Those operators really had to have some skill to run them, sorta like a drummer using all four appendages at the same time. I've only seen them in action on film.
I did the backpage, sports. Worked the nightshift wating for photos from the night Yankees, Knicks, Mets, Rangers or Islanders games that we'd rush to finish the page with the photo.
Good thing was I got to see my page the next morning.
It was pressure but a sense of accomplishment to have made the deadline and see the results the next morning on the backpage of the paper.
Sometimes had to go to the composing room where the guys recently trained using cold type did the paste-ups of the pages using wax machines. If anyone, an artist or editor from another dept anything, those union guys would drop what they were doing and raise hell because they knew what leverage they had. It was crazy, I learned fast as I had to see they were doing it right.
Wild, hectic times to meet that deadline.
With trump in charge it's called Kakistocracy...
government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.
Do not try to tell us it's ignorance and unfair to the unscrupulous.
A nation can not long survive under such rule.
And that's what we've got...witness the clown car of his potential appointments.
Let's face it, the fault is not that of the center-left/and left. We live in a racist, misogynist majority nation.
After much success with the civil right movement of the late '50s-'60s and the women's rights movement of the '70s and on, the permission structure for the racists/sexists to come to fore again began with the bloviating a-hole trump and his birther bullshit against Pres. O. It culminated perhaps as the orange turd rode down the tacky, fake gold escalator to accept the rethug nod for president in 2016.
Some say it's been all downhill since then, but it actually started much earlier. It's even harder to deal with. It's in the nation's DNA. The founders were white men of their time as it's said, meaning most owned enslaved humans, and their wives were property too, not to mention their enslaved females, and the founding documents they produced where high-minded with words and phrases like liberty and freedom and "when in the course of human events", but they were not "inclusive" of people who were unlike themselves (a concept now that's laughed at by rethugs). All of that was reflected in the founding docs and it took centuries and a brutal Civil War followed by decades of segregation to wrest the gains of the '60s-'80s, only to be rescinded symbolically by trump's elevator descent and the corrupt SCOTUS 6' snatching away of hard-won abortion rights.
What a mess. It's in our DNA.
I've heard both sides of that argument here. Some saying the vote tally was manipulated by Musk of whoever...
others saying that wasn't the case, just white working class voters listened to the winger propaghana on the media outlets I mentioned.
You think I missed the point completely but you don't know what influenced the bullet ballot voters either or how their votes were manipulated. If you do TELL ME NOW and stop just regurgitating what you've read/heard.
We have to agree to disagree because you don't know and I believe what I believe...and that is we live in a racist, misogynist nation that elected a fascist dicatator.
But the nation was founded by white men who believed they were better than POCs and their women even. And that's still in the nations DNA, witnessed by the fact that it re-elected that racist, sexist, cheating, fascist liar trump. The voters know who/what he is.
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