riverbendviewgal's Journalif you have a green card
And do not turn it when you back to your home country you are chained to the USA and must file us taxes for life until you get the U R S off you back. Has happened to Canadians.
I bought this up before. I never had to worry about growing expensive medical bills when my husband and son were diagnosed two months apart with terminal cancers. No treatments were denied. We know this because we all did alot of online research. Laundry queen we are lucky to live in Canada. We will stand on guard for our kind caring social democracy.
chris christi
Offended a lot of NJ Democrats who liked his Sandy handling. But Christi is a hypo critic because he is the "it's my way or the highway" guy.
And President Obama is the liberal Reagan. Yep.
i think emphasis
On Medicare and Medicare fraud should never stop being in the news, AARP , all democratic gatherings. One example is the Canadian doctor who was CEO of his own company in Texas. He is in jail now for $325 million fraud. This should be shouted along with the other Medicare frauds. Fraud is not emphasized enough. Cut this out and there is much savings. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!
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