w0nderer's Journalconsidering that asked Germans during 1934/35/36 would have responded
"No...Herr Hitler is not a problem, he's a funny man, he's a house painter at best and not a very good one."
How do Americans respond to Herr Trump?
(and i wish i was a member so i could make a poll) it'd be interesting for history) (hint hint a member)
strongest army in the world ....in those days...Germany
now 'the US'
most military consultants around the world ...in those days Germany
now adays....the US
largest 'perceived' lack of representation ...probably US
largest low to middle class unemployment..dunno if it's US but it's higher than expected
most scared population of foreigners...
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans - Story | KRIV
Source: Fox26 Houston
HOUSTON (FOX 26) - Believe it or not, the US Marshals Service in Houston is arresting people for not paying their outstanding federal student loans.
Paul Aker says he was arrested at his home last week for a $1500 federal student loan he received in 1987.
He says seven deputy US Marshals showed up at his home with guns and took him to federal court where he had to sign a payment plan for the 29-year-old school loan.
Read more: From: http://www.fox26houston.com/news/local-news/92232732-story
article was Updated:Feb 15 2016 07:02PM CST
How far behind are debtor prisons?
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since i don't have webspace currently
much as i dislike the 'source site', the image is probably something that should be printed out and handed to a LOT of people,
(not directed at you, just figured you might get a laugh from it)
i know i could use one myself every once in a while when i forget my 'balance'
Well part of it is forgetfulness, people don't want to remember or believe about 'bad days'
There was another bad time (percentage of wealth in less hands?) called The Great depression.
During this Great Depression and after it, measures were put in place to lessen the chances of it happening again or at least as harshly. As time passed and people got it better and better, these measures which cost taxes, became a pundit point for politicians.
It's too expensive!
People are freeloading!
We don't need this, we all have it good!
Unions aren't good, they stop our cheap labor which makes products more expensive!
The people, not all of whom remembered The Great Depression, looked to themselves and started voting their personal interest(less taxes) instead of community interest, and then after the communities largely went down they started voting their employers best interest instead of their own because their employer paid pr companies to convince people this was the good idea to do.
and Thus it happened a new Depression came, and every one ran like headless chickens and asked, how did this happen?
(the storybook format was cuter for such a sad topic)
a 'working poor' group might be a good idea
just saying
considering how many of us there is
part of
why i posted this
it is an attempt to bring to front 'jury' hiding / tombstoning as a gang activity
for silly things.....to a discussion/end
i've been here a lot longer than i've posted
i've been here a lot longer than i've been a member (yes i can proovez that) as by my blog/2003 ish or so
whining about ooh this word offends me....look if that's the biggest issue you got...go sit with the teapartiers or in a corner or something... ya'll got whiny issues
my issues are 'i can't make enough' 'i work 60+ hours for less than 2k a month'
'i can't ever retire' 'i can pay obama care, just can't afford to use it'
'police stop me and slap me down, but won't protect me' and so forth...
so if a few bad words 'offend' you....take a flying fsck(linux file check) at a rolling donut (object of dough usually deep fried in a rotary motion)
Probably the wrong thread
I am probably stupid here
I'm most likely strange
let's get this right though
'bitch' 'cunt' 'dick' 'prick' 'fucker' are words, they don't hurt anyone to speak of
yes one can 'call in jury' on them
political discussion will cause 'heat'...DEAL!
can't DEAL?
probably fox news is better for you...all same same
and this is probably my tombstone
sad...after 15 years of lurking but i'm so pissed at the 'we gotta alert on this' instead of 'fix the issues irl'
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Member since: Fri Jan 2, 2009, 08:38 PMNumber of posts: 1,937