Buttoneer's JournalMy street at night
"Recrudescence comes from the Latin verb recrudescere, meaning to become raw again (used, for example, of wounds). Ultimately, it can be traced back to the Latin word crudus, meaning raw (If you suspect that crude also comes from crudus, you are correct; another well-known descendant is cruel). In its literal, medical sense, recrudescence refers to a renewed outbreak of a disease. In extended use, it most often describes the return of an undesirable condition, such as a war or a plague, or the return of an undesirable idea."
It's how I feel about the next administration.
Word of the Day..
Fun fact about billionaires.
"Imperial Me" Peter Sellers from Rod Serling's "Carol for Another Time" -
1964 clip
Phrases you don't hear anymore:
"Confirmed bachelor"
Do you have an outdated phrase?
Reagan and the Mulford Act is
interesting history to research when you look at the Black Panthers.
"Do you offer an employee health plan" - 2004, still relevant.
Profile Information
Name: JamieGender: Male
Current location: Harrisburg, PA
Member since: Mon Mar 27, 2023, 08:45 PM
Number of posts: 705