GoldenMezzoDiva's JournalFilial Responsibility laws are still on the books in many states, including CA
These have lain dormant for decades since SS and Medicare/caid began.
However, once these New Deal/Great Society safety nets are gutted, the banksters will snatch seniors' homes and siphon savings accounts into their pockets. Because Filial Responsibility laws mandate that children are responsible for taking care of/and paying for all of their elders' needs.
So, guess who gets stuck with the bills: THE KIDS. Even if they live in another state!
I've told my millennial daughter to tell ALL her friends how ending SS/MC will impoverish her generation. The days of Granny moving inwho can't afford that cataract operation, or meds for that trick knee of herswill be a reality.
I only found out about this a couple of years ago.
For more info Google 2012 Pennsylvania man liable for $93,000payable immediately for nursing home costs incurred by his mother, in New Jersey.
This JD character sure is one freaky kinda guy...
Flipping his opinions on tRump, playing down his Cincinnati suburbs up-bringing, a rabid misogynist, etc. Writes in his book that at one time he thought he was gay, (till his granma asked if he wanted to suck dicks), hangs out with gay Silicon dude Peter Theis. JD tops this all off by wearing black eye-liner, and contouring his nose. Yeah, freaky-deaky is the word, alright.
Overall, Cuomo has been great during pandemic...
I live in New York, and consider myself darn lucky. Because unlike in so many other states, such as South Carolina, South Dakota, Florida, yadda-yadda, my governor has tried really hard to care for his constituents during these Plague Times. Taking on Trump!, providing easily accessible safety nets, enforcing mask/social distancing protocols, looking out for the black and brown community, and briefing the public daily. Granted, Andrew is not a perfect human. And yes, he can get "gang-sta". But that's all part of being a New Yaww-kah, n'est-ce pas? Seriously, after seeing tears well in his eyes day after day, I remain convinced that he really cares about people.
That being said, horrific as it would be if the nursing home mismanagement allegations are proven, I always fail to understand the need for Dems to self-righteously go after Dems, tooth and nail. This, friends, is how we ended up losing our amazing liberal senator, Al Franken, and our majority at the time. At the moment our majority hangs by a thread.
Further, in my estimation, the simultaneous bloodlust for ousting NY and CA governors -- by both dems and repugs, are not coincidental.
Although I have great respect for AOC, I fear that her firebrand ways could become somewhat wearing on the public. I hope that Alexandria's lifestyle/political record will remain ABSOLUTELY and COMPLETELY squeaky-clean. Without a blemish, so that she is able to attain her goals.
In closing, as some quarters are chompin' at the bit for an AOC/DiBlasio primary, keep in mind that the extremely charismatic, super-friendly and wildly popular, albeit pro-life conservative republican Dutchess County executive, will most likely re-challenge Cuomo next time around. Stone me to death, folks, but these days I would rather have a little less righteousness, and more looking at the bigger picture...
His two-term limit was up, but he pushed to remain,
citing the need for more of his leadership. Ploy failed
because of ensuing outrage. Now trying it again, for
the would-be emperor. Sorry to say, not surprising.
And, hopefully, also futile.
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