Jamesever's JournalHow things looked in my neighborhood in Pennsylvania
I noticed more unfamiliar faces on the nature trail than seen in days, mostly women, including a college-aged person with a big white 'S' on the sweatshirt just after dawn, which seemed too early for students, unless getting a walk in before voting.
Full writeup below, along with other unusal things noticed.
I'd rather be us.
Best method to WIN 2% more votes with ease
Who else received this text message?
This may help nudge a few more votes where needed. It worked for those in my circle.
"Check which forgetful friend, roommate, or family member hasn't voted yet, and share their record with them."https://app.impactive.io/did_my_friend_vote
Why Pennsylvania looks good from my neighborhood
Why Pennsylvania looks good to me. Notice the 3-5% difference in ballots returned in nearly EVERY county? Check for yourself each day and watch them go up.
PSA for Influential Decision Makers
1. Choose SNOOZE over BOOZE for WINNING days
2. INTEGRITY wins every time!
As a veteran who served during a war and supported a wide range of candidates, including casting my first voter ever for a GOP candidate, I VOTED and VERIFIED my ballot for a less divisive leader who will support the Constitution of the United States. I still believe in integrity, honesty, and the possibility of a better future ahead. I voted in Pennsylvania for KAMALA HARRIS.
Super Voters wear a cape. 🦸🏼?♂️🦸?♂️🦸🏻?♀️🦸🏿?♂️🦸?♀️🦸🏼?♂️🦸?♂️
Who would Marcus Aurelius vote for?
I just noticed how this guy used his wide influence on YouTube.
A good example for how each of us can DO SOMETHING!
Here's my something today in his comment section.
Excellent News
Pennsylvania doing its job.
https://open.substack.com/pub/tombonier/p/kicking-off-the-early-vote-analysis?utm_source=direct&r=26xje8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=webTom Bonier
Please share this crisis awaiting every mailed vote in Pennsylvania
I sent Governor Shapiro a text message as well to let him know how my ballot came in the mail with the secrecy envelope already sealed and stuck enough that opening and ripping it might introduce a legal issue later as someone counted votes.
I carefully used Elmer's glue to seal mine again and send it in successfully without causing damage. Others may lack that kind of patience. Please share with any potential voters in Pennsylvania.
(Text mesage to Governor Shapiro)
I just posted to a well-known journalist and acquaintance in Philadelphia, so I will give you a heads-up on what she read. Here's the photo and brief summary:
We have a hidden problem in ballots sent out with secrecy envelopes already sealed enough so that attempts to open them will rip the envelope and introduce legal issues. I used Elmer's glue to reseal my envelopes after peeling them open. Humidity, insert a rhyming word, or something else?
Do BETTER than this.
Hindsight is 20/20 with the wisdom of a little FORESIGHT.
I'm 'Doing Something"
I made my first amateur ad for YouTube today. Share and share some more.
A Sticky Heads Up for Pennsylvania Ballots
I signed, sealed, and delivered my ballot to the mailbox a few hours ago, although I noticed an issue with the inner envelops already sealed enough to cause a problem when opening them. I called my county official to let her know, and she stated if any issue occurs, they'll send an online message immediately. This varies county to county, so call and speak to your local person who makes that decision.
I resolved mine rather easily, although I wrote in detail a longer version in case needed later. Feel free to read and act accordingly.
Vote early and follow-up.
My unique way to help us win in November
For the first time, I chose to go 'all in' and volunteer officially years after my one and only day as an Obama supporter long ago. In 2020, I chose to download the Joe Biden app and reach out to 1000 potential voters in Philadelphia as a goal on my own.
This year, since I started earlier, I thought that I might triple that, which seems like a heavy lift. I could use some added help to reach the goal of winning in November.
If possible, consider doing what you can to support the better cause of a more civil, caring, and compassionate society.
1. Support two comments a day that inspire the best in us
2. Consider adding a subtle persuasive comment in a local Google Map review of a store you like
1. Inspirational post (notice how it ends)
2. My comment on a hip hop YouTube clip
Remember to VOTE 🗳 to hit the best NOTES for a future that represents all of us.
Every school board seat matters, too, for educating our kids for the future.
A Super Voter in Pennsylvania who consistently votes to get local potholes fixed. I love driving on a smoother road. 😊
Who you vote for remains your choice, if you choose a better life at all. 👨🏿?💻
3. Comment on local Google store review
* (Janelle Stelson may defeat MAGA candidate Scott Perry in Central Pennsylvania)
Janelle Stelson's comment on her Instagram post brought me here to find out more about the store she visited. Although my last 'real' ice cream indulgence occurred years ago due to following physicians orders, I wholeheartedly appreciate the smiles others get in tasting their scoops of happiness.
Most importantly, I appreciated even the comment that the owner wrote about trying to 'do the right thing' consistently as a business catering to customers. For that, you earned my 🗳 vote for integrity.
Now, hopefully, other adults will follow suit and do the same, regardless of political affiliation. Honesty still matters, folks.
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Member since: Thu Jun 27, 2024, 09:31 PMNumber of posts: 30