Qutzupalotl's JournalMultiple election offices report receiving mailed ballots misdirected from other states
In Louisiana, state election officials said some 40 to 50 ballots destined for 10 other states ended up being delivered to local election offices, mostly in Orleans Parish. Deputy Secretary of State Joel Watson Jr. said the Secretary of States Office had extraordinary frustration for the Postal Services continued inconsistencies and lack of accountability.
Dozens of mail ballots from inside the state also were delivered to the wrong local election office, Watson said.
There were many instances where our staff had to physically take these ballots and drive them to another parish to get them there on time to make sure those votes count, Watson said. We had to use time and resources in the hours and days immediately preceding the biggest election we hold to make sure these ballots were delivered to the right places.
A free press is in the Bill of Rights,
but he calls the free press the enemy of the people and lugenpresse. Check.
He has no authority over the Legislative branch, yet is demanding that the next Senate majority leader relinquish their advise-and-consent power to allow recess appointments, which he will abuse. That's a hell of an overreach. Check.
He wants to deport illegal AND legal immigrants of a certain skin pigment. Check.
He wants to increase immigration from countries like Norway that are majority white. Check.
The Constitution limits the power of the president. At every opportunity, he seeks to remove restraints on his power. He has called for suspending the Constitution, despite swearing to defend it. Check.
He says he wants to be a dictator on day one. Did you miss that?
Yes. Fascists want the population afraid, confused, fearful.
We don't have to give them any of that.
A Stoic philosopher put it this way: The one who suffers before it is necessary, suffers more than is necessary. In other words, pre-crisis anxiety is useless and even counterproductive.
We should reach out to friends and neighbors, form or join like-minded groups, and resist when and where we can. But until such crises are upon us, worry and anxiety do not help. Calm and clear thinking about what is happening will show us what we need to do in the moment. Rational planning for eventualities is helpful, but keep in mind that not all their plans will begin, and even fewer will succeed.
After this, there will be more than 7 swing states.
Way, way more.
Women live everywhere. Most people either are women, came from a woman, or know a woman they care about. Decent men can see the assault on women's rights for what it is. They will show up too. It won't be close.
Smith's evidence includes proof of criminal intent
https://x.com/adamscochran/status/1847325712543523312So the first 3 volumes of Smith's evidence against Trump are released. About 70% still sealed, but, pretty damning stuff, which is all either their own messages, or testimony from Republican staff under oath:
A) A member of Trump's team directly attempted get a Pence aide to hand Mike Pence documents their team knew was fake, uncertified, and lacked chain of custody.
B) They have iMessages confirming they were trying to deliver the unsealed fake documents to Pence.
C) They have emails confirming this was planned *in advance* and that they wanted Grassley to stand in if Pence recused.
D) In their own "war game" scenarios, they concede that if the election is processed fairly, then Biden wins.
E) They had a memorandum prepared on this matter as far back as November 18th which is 1 month *BEFORE* any of the "alternative electors had made their claims proving that it was pre-meditated.
F) They knew, well in advance, and admitted in testimony and email, that the VP did not have this power, and that the Supreme Court would not hold up this case, proving they knew it was illegal.
(Although they thought maybe Clarence Thomas would side with them..)
G) Trump called the Michigan speaker, on an unofficial line marked "Spam Risk Egypt" to discuss fraud allegations. Proving he tried to cover his tracks, and these were not protected "official acts"
H) At the time Trump did not even feel they had grounds to file a lawsuit in Michigan.
J) 5 of the "Fake Electorate" packages that Trump's team had tried to hand over to Pence, used the exact same template for vacancy filling pages.
These pages do not normally have a standard across states, showing coordination. But the source proof is still under seal.
So Trump and his team *in their own words*:
-Knew they lost
-Knew it was not legal for Pence to over turn
-Knew the states did not have fraud issues
-Researched "alternative electors" a month in advanced of those claims
-Knew the documents were unofficial
-Took part in the transfer process
-And attempted to pass off forged documents directly to the VP
-Because of a pre-meditated plan to steal the election.
The first volumes represent 1889 pages of evidence, 70% still under seal.
This is just from the 30% unsealed, and there are more volumes to go.
The case could not be more clear.
And as a reminder, Trump's team refused to dispute the authenticity of any of this evidence, they only ask for it to be delayed as it would "hurt their client" during the election.
(images at links)
Butting in here, but I think the interviewees might be extrapolating their own intentions
of perhaps a lackluster lean towards Trump to mean than since they won't go to the trouble of standing in line for him, probably a lot of other people feel the same and will stay home too, leading to a Trump loss.
Pollsters say this question of who you think will win is a better predictor of the final outcome than who are you voting for.
Another phenomenon at work here is the bandwagon effect. People want to vote for a winner so they can say they were a part of history. If their candidate should lose, they would be embarrassed, almost as much as if their favorite sports team lost. Picking a winner means they are smart, and they are motivated to feel this. They would stay home rather than have to admit they voted for a loser.
Those who follow the issues can point to X, Y, and Z to explain their voting choice. Those who can't think for themselves are prey to influencers and propagandists, and so they fall back into tribal thinking, bandwagonism, and less intellectually sensible reasons for voting a particular way but which are nonetheless compelling.
Unpopular opinion: Merchan should not lock up Trump before the election.
Trump is trying to delay his sentencing hearing until after the election. I believe that date should stand, but the imposition of the sentence could be postponed to a date of Merchan's choosing.
(We don't know what Merchan is thinking about the sentencing. No one does. The sentencing could involve fines, community service, incarceration or none of the above.)
My opinion: incarceration is a possibility, albeit a remote one. My hope is that imposition of such a sentence would be delayed until, say, early December. Why? Because the more people see of Trump, the more they think Yikes, as Rex Huppke noted here: https://www.democraticunderground.com/100219339985#post21
Operation Just Let Him Speak is working beautifully, and my hope is that Trump stays visible and active until Election Day, rather than becoming a martyr in prison.
Totally agree. People will come out of the woodwork this time
to claw back Roe, fix the courts, and save democracy.
We might need wins in unexpected places to thwart their plans, a state they thought was safe. This time around we might get some in places we aren't talking about. Women are absolutely fired up, both for Kamala and against restrictions on choice. Pot is on the ballot in Florida. Walz is beloved. Ted Cruz is reviled and vulnerable, while Allred is well-known and liked. Vance is a freak and Trump is deteriorating before our eyes.
Plus this is the first general presidential election after the former guy launched an insurrection to topple the government when he lost power. The first one post-conviction and sentencing. It's also the first one since abortion rights were overturned, due to the court being corrupted by presidents who did not win the popular vote.
Hell yeah we are motivated! Let's fucking go!
Yes.One example along those lines:
A Harris ad that ran during the Olympics ends with her saying the words (paraphrasing): This is what I believe.
This may seem like a small thing, almost meaningless, but we have been clamoring for exactly that messaging for decades. Democrats are fine with ads that rattle off policy proposals, but that plays mostly to our base. If you want to shave off a few Republican votes and win step back and say what you believe. They want to know what is important to you, what guides you. So most of them just say the Bible, and that's a kind of shorthand for values to them.
Kamala was able to summarize her guiding principles, which is fantastic messaging. This will subtract votes from their column and add to ours.
Trump and Vance can't do that, because they don't stand for any principles. Their values are for sale to billionaire donors.
For me, it helped to see the party come together so quickly.
Not all of us, but state party chairs and delegations. There is an energy and excitement that wasn't there these last few weeks. We will have the first female candidate running in a post-Roe world
with no phony email scandal or decades of baggage. She can run on continuing the success of Biden's term, while combatting the failures Trump caused.
I did not like the process. I thought it got ugly and disrespectful. As an older guy myself, I hate to see good, capable people cast aside. But look at what is happening after the announcement: suddenly the floodgates are open, there is hope again after a rough three weeks, and most importantly, we are avoiding a contested convention and chaos.
There was a chance we would have lost with Biden; I don't believe we would, but it was there. Now, there is a clear difference to the public between the candidates. One is sharp and gorgeous, the other
just crazy. Prosecutor or felon. I think we can not merely squeak by, but win big across the country, hold the Senate, and take the House. Then we can look at real reforms.
The aura of inevitability Trump was trying to run on that is gone. They realize they are fucked. Trump can't pull the same move Trump's running to stay out of prison, so he is stuck. Biden is free to focus on the presidency. Kamala's coming to kick some ass. How quickly the tables have turned! All it took was humility and decency, something alien to the other team. Their squealing tells me this was a good move.
I was all in for Joe, mostly because I thought the alternative was chaos and defeat. I was wrong. So I'm just going to enjoy watching Trump lose everything. That brings a kind of solace.
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