Piratedog's JournalElection Day a federal holiday
President Biden should declare Election Day a holiday for federal workers. I dont believe he can declare a national holiday without Congress but as head of the executive branch, he could declare Election Day a day off for all federal employees of executive agencies. Thats a hell of a lot of voters.
Can we talk about polls?
Who is sampled in these polls the media keeps reciting? I just cannot see how these polls are breaking for trump. Its just BS if you ask me but Im not a pollster.
What poll was Alex Wagner referencing..
I dont believe independents are breaking for Trump. They didnt vote for him last time and they wont this time.
This is the one I really love.
1) no pardon at federal level
2) DA was an African-American woman
3) she got the whole cage of rats
Ha ha ha
Trump speaks to press. Says he hardly knew himself.
Look, I really dont know this Trump fellow, said tDobald Trump when asked about the charges against him. Ive heard his name before but no, I really havent had any dealings with him.
Assuming tfg doesn't testify, who would the defense call as defense witnesses?
I dont see anyone being able to testify on his behalf.
Have House republicans passed anything they think will win
Independent, women, or voters of color? What do they plan to run on that would attract anyone but their ilk?
I always thought a bathroom would be about right for Trump's residential library.
Little did I know how prescient I was.
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Member since: Tue Nov 13, 2018, 10:15 AMNumber of posts: 266